There once was a boy, who picked up a pole.
As soon as he held it, the story was told.
The hook it went deep and the barbs they were three.
For this is a thing that was just meant to be.
The bend of the rod, the rise of a trout.
The freedom to roam and to wonder about.
The sounds of the birds and the streams peaceful song.
The sound of leaping trout as the evening grows long.
The pools and riffles,"What's around the next bend?"
A time to enjoy with your family or a friend.
Somewhere to relax and reflect on the day.
A place to escape and to just get away.
The thrill of the chase, this can't be denied.
I will wonder these streams, even after I've died.
Met this older gentleman while out exploring a new stream with my older bro. Sat and talked fishing for about a half hour. He was kind enough to tell me of a place he use to go and catch 25" Brook Trout. I will be checking that out for sure :) |
Beautiful new water. Crystal clear and the trout were scattering everywhere. |
A rooftop of St.Croix fly rods ready to bend. |
Older bro bought some Hopper patterns from local fly shop. Drifting them along the banks produced some fish. |
A trouts breakfast scared onto the water by the very thing that was in search of it. Me. |
One of my bros Browns taken on a simple Hopper pattern. |
We would end up spooking more fish than we caught, due to the crystal clear water and fishing at high noon like a bunch of Goof Balls. We ended up fishing during the absolute hottest time of the day and ended up pretty tired out from the boiling hot sun. The stream is wonderful and I look forward to fishing it on a more ideal day. Preferably not from noon to 4:30p.m. :)
The next day I had a few hours and decided to take the kids out since the sun was starting to retreat. They were both excited and so was I. My son chose to use a hopper pattern and was happy just watching it float down through the rapids. I fished a hopper for a little while, but couldn't resist a new Bomber pattern I came up with. It was tail, hackle, peacock, hackle and then the Calf hair.( I hope that makes sense) As soon as I tied it on, I started getting hits. Thank you Bombers!! Here are some pics of our adventure, I hope you enjoy!
This hopper was made from a broken Nerf foam sword. The legs are made from old fly line. It floated well. |
Tied up this "Thunder Thighs" pattern using foam from the Nerf sword and silencers from my bow string. It ended up being pretty easy pattern to tie. Not the exact colors I was looking for but considering the circumstances not too bad. |
They were having a blast looking for rising fish. |
The first rainbow caught was a healthy little fellow. This is the farthest down on the stream I have seen them. |
The next fish was another colorful Rainbow. Love seeing all the Bows this far down. |
Same fish as above. These guys seem to be growing quite well each year. |
Top view of the last fish of the night. |
Side view of the Rainbow. |
I have caught this beast once before. It put up a great fight and I released it to swim another day. I always make sure that the bigger fish that I release make a full recovery before I leave their side. I always worry that after I leave for some reason they will go belly up. I was super happy to see this fish again, and was just like hanging out with an old friend. :) |
I am pretty sure in the pic I took with it the first time, I had about an equally goofy expression on my face. Sorry about that :) |
I caught this Rainbow on a size 14 Bomber pattern trailed about ten inches with a little gray nymph pattern. The kids were ready to head home and it was about 9:00 p.m. I had just lost a 13" Brown so I said to them, " Just One MOre Cast" I tossed it in and said "Ssshhhhhhh, I have to hear if a fish takes the fly." At this point the visibility was nill. Then I heard something and raised my rod and sure enough this is what waited at the end of the line. Of course I didn't have my net, and landing this thing in the dark was a little tricky. The fish was caught, photographed and then safely released and I watched over it until it was full strength and back up stream he went. A wonderful day with the kids. They really are my good luck charms. |
Can you spot the 6" Crayfish deep down? |
Until Next Time....Tight Lines to all !!!!!!