Sept 30th was the last official day of trout season here in Wisconsin's Driftless Area. I realize that this post comes a little late, but better late than never I guess.
I woke up late, but not too bad considering I didn't even set the alarm. Up at about 7:00 a.m. and filling my belly with 2 Bacon Egg & Cheese biscuits at about 8:00. Arrived at the stream of choice at about 8:15. On this day, the last day, I chose a stream that I knew would produce some nice Brookies and hopefully a few Browns as well.
As I walked along in absolute peace, my senses were at full attention. The smell of the air, that only comes when fall is here. The sounds of the leaves, as I watch them drop from trees, while the wind blows. The sound of the huge 8 point buck crashing through the stream within yards of me. Scaring the crap out of me. It was one of those days where the clouds move across the sky and it goes from sunny to dark every other minute. The wind was making it difficult to cast and the hooks were popping out right and left. It was perfect.

I made it up to the final hole around noon. I was perched up high to where I could see each fish come out from it's hiding spot and attack the flies. It made for some easy hook sets. I had to be on my way so I hiked the trail back and headed for home. About 2 miles downstream from where I just was, there is a really nice bridge hole. I had no choice but to stop and see if I could coax some Browns out of their hiding spots. The last trout I caught out of this hole really had some nice fall colors going on. At first I thought I had on a huge Brook Trout. Probably my favorite trout of the season.
Finally I made it home. My wife and son headed of to swim lessons and Sephora and I stayed home. She loves trout fishing so I told her we could head out and fish for a while if she wanted. On went the boots and we were off. I can't imagine a better way to finish out the season. The pressure to bring a fish to hand was high. One last fish for the season, one last memory.
Until Next Time.........Tight Lines to All !!!!!!!!!!