Date: May 29th Weather: Rainy & Humid Time: 1:30 - 6:30p.m.

Decided to drive to a nice little Brook Trout stream today. I looked out the window and the skies were grey and the rain was falling lightly. Whenever I see rain I can't help but get excited. Now I am not talking about a down pour of rain, but more of a sprinkling on and off all day. Told the wifee and kids that I just had to get out there while the weather was so nice. They told me I am crazy and I agreed. Oh don't worry I said it is just a little rain. Crack Booom Bang.... Great that was a really loud thunder. Ummm don't worry that will pass by, really its nothing. Ok guys, love you, be back in a little bit. The place I am headed is about 25 miles southeast of where I live. So as I am packing up the car and getting things ready to go, I can't help but think I could be making a mistake. Hopefully the storms will pass by and only cloud up the water a little. I get the music playing and head off on another fishing venture. While I am on the road and about half way there, I look to the direction I am heading and see brighter skies. In the opposite direction to my left it looks dark and gray. Then right as I am glancing to my left a huge bolt of lightning spreads across the sky. The kind of lightning you swear you can feel the static through the air. YIKES. I think I may have made a big mistake. Too late now, to turn back would be a huge waste of gas. I convince myself that it only makes sense to continue to the stream and onward I go. I roll into the parking spot and not a soul in sight. Just the way I like it. The rain had stopped, the sun was shining and the birds were singing away. Always a good sign that the weather will be OK for a little bit. The stream was looking fantastic as far as the water quality was concerned. As far as the actual casting conditions, lets just say it was a tad bit overgrown. Not a great thing considering this creek is tiny to begin with. Most casts are into a 2-3 ft. space with little branches of willow and dead prairie grass hanging over them. Bad for the fisherman/woman, great for the Brookies and Browns. This section is great because it is catch and release only, with a healthy population of Brook Trout.
As usual the nature was in full bloom and everything was popping out at me. The color green is everywhere and is intoxicating. The trees, the flowers, the moss, the grass, it is all part of the experience and goes along perfect with a meandering clear spring creek. The smell of mint seems to always be in the air. This smell has and will always remind of being on a spring fed stream.
I set out in search of some fish. I was here particularly for the Brook Trout today. I know a lot of people love to catch and see this species close up, and I am no different. I was hoping that maybe I would come across a Tiger Trout today, but no such luck. That's alright because the Brookies and Browns were more than willing to come out for some photo ops.
I was surprised to catch so many Browns up in this spot. Chunker Brown. |
Chunker Brown Close Up Shot. |
Release of The Chunker Brown. |
Young Little Brook Trout full of color. Thought it was a Tiger Trout at first glance:( |
This stream get's tiny in spots and then spills into beautiful little holes like this one. |
Chunker Brown 2 |
Chunker Brown 2 Close Up. I loved how dark this one was. |
The Brookies were alive and feisty. Looking nice and healthy too. |
I sat down next to the little spring in the pictures from above and decided to just sit and relax for a little bit. By this time the sun was popping in and out just enough to heat things up. I figure if I was getting hot and tired maybe the trout were too. About an hour later another set of storm clouds moved in and I started to wonder if I should book it back to the vehicle. I started to look around for something I could get under for cover. Just in case a wicked storm broke out. It quickly rolled over and the sky again was blue, then gray, than get the picture. Either way the fish continued to bite. I lost a bunch of fish by not setting the hook to hard. The fish were inhaling the fly today so I didn't feel like hooking them super deep. Here are a few lucky fish that got a chance to see the barrel of my Nikon lens:)
Another healthy Brown that smashed the fly as soon as it hit the water. |
I really like the vibrant colors on the Brook Trout. The deep red on the fins is beautiful. |
Wonder if he is thinking, " Woh, I can see my house from here dude." |
This one insisted that I do a Close Up head shot for it's Portfolio. |
Little but strong, healthy Browny. |
It always amazes me to see the sharp teeth on these guys. |
When all was said and done, it seemed to me that I had made the right choice. As usual I was heading off the stream right before the real good feeding time hit, but you gotta get out there when ever the chance arises. If that means heading out while it is lightning and thundering, well, that's what I have to do. Although I do not suggest it to others. If I would have seen lightning while I was fishing, I would have at least tried to catch a few really quick,stopped and gone home. Seriously though lightning is some serious business and not worth losing your life over. The weather cooperated and made for some great conditions for stalking Brookies on a tiny stream in the middle of the day. Soon I will be heading back to this stream during the evening time in search of a lunker Brookie in some of the deeper holes. I know there are some good size fish in there, I just have to get them to bite before the smaller ones do. It is too easy to spook a hole so you only get a couple of chances. Maybe next time I will catch a Tiger Trout. Maybe a Leopard Trout.
Ahh to be a piece of grass. |
Until Next time ........ Tight Lines to all...